The AI Education Congress will bring together government representatives, businesses and educators from across the globe to learn and showcase how the relationship between AI and education is evolving. We will look beyond the hype to focus on practical applications, strategic planning and mitigating risks.

Why now?

Artificial Intelligence is already a part of education—it's happening now.It is reshaping traditional methods while raising critical questions about the validity of age-old practices. This powerful technology holds immense potential, but it also brings significant ethical concerns, data privacy issues and risks widening the digital divide. Are our educational systems ready for this transformation?The AI Education Congress is a timely and essential event to tackle these crucial challenges head-on.


The main sessions of the Congress will be conducted through forums. There will be a forum focused on each of the following themes:1. Governmental strategy2. Leadership strategy3. Pedagogical implications4. Knowledge and skills5. Security risksThe forum's structure will facilitate open discussions among experts on key issues, opportunities and next steps. This setup allows observing delegates, such as government ministers attending a forum on skills, to gain insights that can shape policy. Similarly, educators observing a forum on governmental strategy can contribute their thoughts through Q&A sessions, fostering deeper understanding and collaboration.


The forum provocations, in-depth discussions and delegate comments will provide feedback to the main congress. The insights gained from the event will be published in a book and made accessible to stakeholders worldwide, enabling them to read, digest and take action.

Can you help?

We need:1. Host cities2. Government representatives3. Partner businesses4. Informed educators